Apogee Software, Inc. - Very high-performance SunOS/Solaris interoperable, standards- compliant compilers compatible with numerous development tools; optional KAP single/auto-parallel preprocessors for C and FORTRAN 77.
Apogee-C Compiler , Apogee-C++ Compiler , Apogee-FORTRAN 77 Compiler
Architext Software Inc. - Provider of Excite for Web Servers (EWS), a new generation of web navigation software. Excite is smarter, faster, and easier than conventional keyword search technology.
Excite for Web Servers (EWS)
ATS, Inc. - Provides integrated testing and programming environments for software development enabling your organization to manage quality, reduce time to market and leverage your existing investment in Software Engineering technology.
ATS/X-Tester , PathFinder
BASIS International Ltd. - Produces sophisticated applications including fully integrated accounting packages, complete municipal government software, full-blown point -of-sale applications, and bar code recognition and printing packages.
Compuware Corporation - A global leader in software products for building, testing, and deploying business appications and related professional services.
UNIFACE , EcoTools Suite , Abend-AID Suite
Confluent, Inc. - Diagramming and flowcharting tool for creating software diagrams (Booch, OMT, Entity-Relationship), flowcharts (for ISO 9000, TQM), network diagrams, organizational charts, and technical illustrations.
Visual Thought
Continuus Software Corporation - Producers of Continuus/CM and Continuus/PT deliver a workflow approach to software change management that raises software quality standards, improves development-team productivity, raises product quality, and speeds time-to-market.
Continuus/CM , Continuus/PT
Dynamic Object Language Labs - dedicated to assisting companies succeed at utilizing object oriented technology to help achieve their organization's goals. We offer both products and services in support of this goal.
Yolambda , CLIM
EAGLE Software - Specializing in providing Data General computer users with system consulting and performance enhancing software products.
Alexandria , Cabinet Converter , Disk_Pak
Fujitsu Open Systems Solutions, Inc. - Fujitsu creates and delivers an advanced suite of object technologies for rapid development of user driven applications.
IntelligentPad , ODB-II , ObjectDirector
Imagix Corporation - Helps C and C++ developers understand and document software that is complex, large or unfamiliar. Improves productivity and quality while developing, enhancing, reusing, and testing software.
Imagix 4D
Liant Software Corporation - A flexible migration system that allows PL/I mainframe users to rehost existing PL/I applications to open systems environments.
Master Information Systems Corporation - Maker of MUSKOX, the most powerful and efficient C++ Software Engineering Tool for managing object states.
McCabe & Associates, Inc. - Internationally recognized for its innovative products in the critical areas of software testing, quality assurance, and reverse engineering.
McCabe Visual Toolset
MetaCard Corporation - Makers of MetaCard, a multimedia authoring tool and GUI development environment for Unix/X11 workstations.
MicroEdge, Inc. - Produces both graphical and text-mode programming editors for over 17 different operating system platforms.
Visual SlickEdit , SlickEdit
National Instruments Corporation - A provider of instrumentation products for SPARCstations including application software, GPIB instrument control interfaces, data acquisition plug-in-boards, and VME/VXI controller interfaces.
Lab Family of Products , GBIP Family of Products , VME Family of Products
PowerSoft Corporation - The open tools division of Sybase develops and markets the market-leading scalable family of open client/server tools encompassing the application development and information access needs of professional developers across the enterprise.
PowerBuilder Enterprise Series
QualSoft Corporation - Cross-platform GUI development, configuration management, migration and automated source code documentation tools. Four products won "product of the year" awards in 1995.
XFaceMaker , XRT , GEORGE, MKS products
Rational Software Corporation - Rational's products and services automate software-engineering activities, reduce risk, eliminate errors, and improve the productivity of individuals and development teams.
Apex Spire VADS
Rogue Wave Software, Inc. - Offers a suite of libraries for general programming databse access, graphic user interface development, graphics, and mathematics which help programmers imp
Rogue Wave Suite of C++ Libraries , Tools.h++ , DBtools.h++
Runtime Design Automation - Makers of VOV, an advanced new concept in design flow management.
VOV Design Flow Manager
Software Research, Inc. - Complete suite of software testing products on the market, covering regression testing and test management (STW/Regression), code coverage analysis (STW/Coverage), metrics, static analysis, and test data generation (STW/Advisor).
Software TestWorks Integrated Toolsuite
SunSoft Developer CD - Better software... Earlier to market...
The SunSoft Developer CD has the tools and information you need!
Code samples , tools , white papers, links, and more!
SunSoft Java Workshop - Provides the first complete, integrated development environment for creating Internet applications and Web pages.
Java Workshop
SunSoft, Inc. - Distributed Objects - CORBA-compliant ORB
Solaris NEO , Workshop NEO , Solstice NEO
TakeFive Software, Inc. - Provides software development tools for UNIX developers working with C, C++ and other languages.
Teknekron Software Systems, Inc. - Offers the most powerful software developement tools for builing scalable distributed applications with the emphasis on simplicity and ease-of-use. The Rendezvous software bus reduces complexity in distributed systems by hiding network programming details, so applications are easier to develop, manage and use.
Rendezvous Software Bus
Thomson Software Products - An object-oriented User Interface Management System for the interactive development of GUI's and data visualization for OSF/Motif or Windows in C, C++ or Ad
TeleUSE , Ada
TIBCO, Inc. - Offers the most powerful software developement tools for builing scalable distributed applications with the emphasis on simplicity and ease-of-use. The Rendezvous software bus reduces complexity in distributed systems by hiding network programming details, so applications are easier to develop, manage and use.
Rendezvous Software Bus
Tower Concepts, Inc. - A highly configurable problem tracking and configuration management package; simple to install and use and available at a realistic price.
USoft: The Server/Client Software Company - Only USoft delivers working Server/Client applications within 48 hours.
USoft Developer Series (Developer, Batch Server, Bridge Server, Benchmark, ODBC Server) , USoft OnLine Series (OnLine for TUXEDO, TransPort E/S) , USoft Report Series
VMARK Software, Inc. 's products and services fulfill the open system requirements of organizations that are implementing softare solutions for distributed client/server environments.
uniVerse, relational database , Object Studio, OO development environment to build client/server applications , HyperSTAR, an object messaging middleware product suite